Welcome to this emotional and inspiring interview with Michelle, a brave mother who has been through the unimaginable loss of a child. In this interview, Michelle shares her perspective on parenting after a loss and how she overcame grief.

Michelle opens up about her personal journey of grief and how she coped with the loss of her child. She talks about the challenges she faced and the emotions she went through, including the guilt and sadness that she felt.

Through her own experiences, Michelle provides valuable insights into the grieving process and how she found ways to overcome it. She shares tips on how to deal with grief and how to move forward in life after experiencing such a loss.

Michelle also discusses how she continued to parent her other children while dealing with her grief. She shares her own personal strategies for balancing her emotions while being there for her family and how she found the strength to continue to be a good parent during this difficult time.

This interview is a must-watch for anyone who has experienced loss and is struggling with grief. Michelle's perspective is honest and heartfelt, providing hope and inspiration for those who are navigating this challenging path. So, sit back, and get ready to be moved by Michelle's journey of parenting after a loss.

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