Learn how to defend yourself in any situation. Includes an introduction to situational awareness, an overview of different types of predators (how to identify and defend against each type, and a review of many tools available for protecting yourself and loved ones

We teach you how to identify and understand what tools predators use to choose victims and gain access to them. Including those who abuse physically, sexually and for fraud. Learn how to spot predators before they hurt you or your family. Are you prepared for a home invasion?

Do you have everything in place to keep your family safe?

We can identify any weaknesses where a bad guy might enter

your home and endanger your family. We will help you establish a home

defense plan and ways to strengthen entrances and other security weak points including but not limited to; locks, windows and lighting.

We can also help you create a plan for threats from mother nature.

We can help you establish a solid emergency plan

and train your employees on what and where to look for pre-attack indicators.

They also help Corporate businesses by giving your employees

the tools they need to identify things like trafficking victims,

abductions and multiple other threats.

We can also help you set up plans for other situations and disasters.

Along with inventory control.

Robert and Catrina Wylie


TALKING TABOO WITH TINA PODCAST is brought to you from YOUR BACKUP PLAN. YOUR BACKUP PLAN APP puts your life in 1-place in preparation of any unpredictable circumstance while taking the painful aftermath out of any tragedy! Whether you are a senior, retired, single, or have a family you will want to get this APP for yourself to be more organized!


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