Kim Hix has made it her life's mission to spread awareness about fentanyl poisoning. A wife, mother and nutrition, health, and fitness coach of 20 years, Kim knows her way around the wellness space. She knew when her daughter started using drugs as a coping mechanism that she needed to step in.

She was a constant support to her daughter Kelsie helping her navigate treatment and recovery. Once home however, Kelsie managed to get ahold of a Xanax which would prove to be fatal. What she thought was a Xanax was really laced with Fentanyl-enough to cause her to stop breathing.

It was February of 2022 when Kim found Kelsie slumped over in her room and her life changed forever. Fentanyl is the most potent opioid pain reliever available for use in medical treatment. It is roughly 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin. Used correctly, it is a useful and powerful pain reliever, but too much will kill you and there is no way to tell how much may be in any drug sold outside of a prescription. It is in cocaine, marijuana, pain pills, anxiety medication, and many more.

Help support Kelsie’s Cause, created by Kim to help spread awareness and education about the dangers of fentanyl. It could save the life of someone you know!

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