-IPC is a tool to help us understand our mentee (and ourselves)

-Identity, Purpose, and Community are three things we are presented with about King David in 2 Samuel 8.

-Identity: 2 Samuel tells us David was a mighty warrior and a shrewd leader.

-Purpose: Based on his being a warrior and leader, he was successful in battle and made smart leadership choices while subduing his enemy and growing his empire! 

-Community: This chapter ends with a list of men David trusted to rule over aspects of his kingdom.

A quick summary: David is a fierce warrior (Identity). Therefore, he conquered the Philistines (Purpose). Joab was over David’s army (Community). 

Identity is WHO WE ARE

Purpose is WHAT WE DO 


As mentors, we know these are transferable. In 2 Samuel 9, David, having confidence in his own IPC is able to convey these qualities onto Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth.

-Identity: David yells Mephibosheth!

-Purpose: David reinstates Mephib’s rule over Saul’s kingdom

-Community: David invites Mephib to eat at his family’s table daily

If this story from the OT is foreign, READ IT! 

“Reading” a mentee’s IPC will help you understand if she has a clear understanding of who she is in Christ, if she is living out her call, and if she is surrounding herself with the people who will help her be successful in her journey! 

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