Transformation life coach Kimberley Bell delineates signs of a wise, conscious relationship versus one that is less conscious and rooted in fear and unworthiness.

Dis-empowering Ways of Being in a Relationship:
1. Keeping score and carrying resentment.

2. Making your partner pay.

3. Holding grudges.

4. Focusing on what your partner should or shouldn't be doing instead of appreciating what they are doing.

5. Trying to be someone you are not for the other person.

Empowering Ways To Be In A Relationship: A Relationship for a Wiser Self

1. Adopt a perspective that everything evens out in the end.

2. Ensure the priority is for each person in the relationship to feel appreciated, loved, and accepted for who they are.

3. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt, knowing they are doing their best.

4. Give without expectation to get in return.

5. Look for the good in your partner and your relationship.

6. Be hopeful for the future. Talk about it together.