Transformation Life Coach Kimberley Bell dissects unworthiness and what living from a fear-based mindset looks like. She elaborates on 7 elements of self-worth and how to integrate them into our lives.

Unworthiness could look like a mindset, or it could be something we're doing. Most of the time it's subconscious, but does tell us a lot about how we're feeling about ourselves.

We might feel like a powerless victim without choices. Life seems to just keep happening to us. Your day might be filled with worry and dread, or fear about the uncertainty of what you're going to face.

Maybe you're constantly striving to please other people and putting yourself last. Or you're speaking negatively (consciously or subconsciously)to yourself.

Whatever your unworthiness manifests as, if we can become aware of these patterns, we have the power to change them!

Here are 7 ways of living with more self-worth:

1. Be honest with yourself

2. Consider yourself first in your life decisions

3. Stay in integrity with your self and your values

4. Let go of worrying what others are thinking or saying

5. Maintain healthy boundaries with others (& give up the self-sacrificing behavior)

6. Respond instead of react

7. Let go of past guilt and shame associated with your life

Do what it's going to take to feel solid and in integrity with yourself. You are worthy and deserve to live in alignment with your truest self.