In today’s podcast, Rachel Peters and I reflect upon our past experiences at Yogahealer Live Events, and why we feel so refreshed after each and every time. We unravel the feeling of identity evolution and what it means to be a leader by just showing up at the retreats. Just one day at a Live Event has been life changing for so many, so tune in to discover why so many people leave the retreats with an entirely newfound perspective on their lives, and the lives of others.


What you’ll get out of tuning in: A deeper look at the benefits of going out of the daily routine of life to experience life through a new lens at the event. What it means to become a leader through engaging in this life-changing event. An understanding of how we can evolve our community at home through experiencing this retreat. Rachel Peters describes that the live Yogahealer events assist her in getting out of her daily routine and comfortability. She fees enabled to step out of her habits and routine and take a few days to look at herself, her life, her business, and her family from a whole new perspective. Cate explains that the activities at the retreat are very liberating but structured at the same time. Where people are paired into small groups to do specific types of activities that have their own structure and form. What people often discover is how to get out of their own way in life! It’s an amazing opportunity for growth with people who are going through similar struggles in life. It's a place where we can be vulnerable and dig deep down to understand the hurdles we’re facing in our personal and professional life.


Links Mentioned in Episode: Rachel’s website Be a coach Have a conversation Discover more about Body Thrive  Yogahealer VIP Live Events Yogahealer Live Experience


Show Highlights: 1:48-3:07- Rachel gives her take on the values and lessons that she personally gains from each experience at Yogahealer live events. 3:25- The participants that attend the Yogahealer live events get to step into a role of leadership for the Iives of many others, for simply knowing the information they do, and having the valuable experience of the retreat. 4:00- The people at the retreat get to participate in many perception-altering activities that leave them looking at their life, their work, and the lives of others in a completely new way. 7:22- One older individual who is showing up as a leader for her family and explains how the attendees are becoming leaders be just being there. They become leaders for their families, communities, yoga studios, and many others because of the knowledge and experienced they’ve gained access to at the retreat. 8:46- Rachel feels as though the retreat has always been a worthy investment for her progression in life. It is so important to invest in your own health education


Favorite Quotes: “What’s cool to see in even people living with Ayurveda, or in Body Thrive, who aren’t in our wellness pro career track, how much the self leadership, family leadership, and community leadership component is getting developed because of these live experiences.” - Cate Stillman “There’s all this identity evolution. What happens is we start to realize that were leaders. There’s just this authenticity, vulnerability, adaptability, resilience— all the signs of being rooted.” - Cate Stillman “You are your own best investment.” - Cate Stillman


Guest BIO:

Since 2001 Rachel has been supporting others through body, mind and heart-based yoga classes, trainings, mentoring and workshops. Her goal is to share how these practices have helped her shift into a more conscious, vibrant and easeful relationship to life and to support anyone who is ready to do the same. She’s been a serious practitioner and student of yoga from a young age and has thousands of hours of teacher training, immersions, workshops and retreats with phenomenal and inspiring teachers. In 2011 Rachel answered a deep calling and began her studies of Ayurveda with Cate Stillman at Yoga Healer. That same year, she began intensive studies with Paul Muller-Ortega of Blue Throat Yoga on the practice and theory of meditation and embraced a daily meditation practice that changed her life. These simultaneously launched her into a clear vision and daily approach of what she needed to do in order to thrive in the modern world. She now offers Ayurvedic Living immersions to help you to get light in your body, clear in your mind, and thrive in your life. Connect with Rachel on her website.