We are constantly giving and receiving feedback. Take a moment to reflect. What feedback have you been receiving lately? How have you perceived it? With what senses? And how can you learn from the feedback you’ve received? In this episode, Cate sits down with Megan Pintus to discuss how we can use the feedback we receive to learn and grow.


What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to learn faster using feedback. How we dismiss and invalidate feedback. How to recognize and receive feedback more skillfully.


Links Mentioned in Episode: Be a coach Have a conversation Discover more about Body Thrive  Yogahealer VIP Live Events Yogahealer Live Experience


Show Highlights: Cate explains how the five elements and the three doshas play into how we receive feedback. Cate and Megan discuss Why feedback often needs to feel uncomfortable in order for us to learn from it. Cate explores a quote from Douglas Stone: “Explicit disagreement is better than implicit misunderstanding.”


Favorite Quotes: “It’s just about deeply processing what’s going on. And the skills of yoga and meditation, it really gives rise to that. Just being in the ground of being will process the experience at an accelerated rate.” --- Cate Stillman “When we’re in our own mind chatter, when we’re in our own dialogue, there’s no space for anybody else or any other options. And we create this false reality.” --- Megan Pintus “The more rooted you are in your habits, the more you’re really clear that you’re actually supported from within, . . . you’re intrinsically supported from the elements.” --- Cate Stillman


Guest BIO:

Megan Pintus joined the Yogahealer team in September. She currently resides in Virginia where she manages a yoga studio in a thriving community. Her profession and her passion are to support others in taking their visions of changing current culture and making them a reality.