Namaste and Aloha Yoga Revealed Family! I hope these words find you well, feeling present to that which is alive for you today. I am graced with so many opportunities to connect with new people because of yoga revealed launching into season 4 ~ and life has been fully ON PURPOSE and ON FIRE these past few weeks. Thank you for being a part of this journey and walking in yoga together. 

Today, I am blessed to introduce to you a new sister in my life, here in Boulder, Colorado who has a story that was catalyzed by the introduction to integrating the transformation of meditation, self awareness, and a sheer force of will to transform ones own life out of preconceived ideas and notions of what life….has to look like! Please welcome Miss Melissa moffet to the yoga revealed podcast. A conscious and ethical entrepreneur who supports others, mostly women, in creating their best life, because she created hers which came to her through sitting down, sitting up, opening her heart and going inside. 

If you found resonance in this conversation, please, go to Yogarevealed on instagram and share this episode with a tag of @Melissa.moffet and @aleclovelifeyoga with your takeaway! We so want to hear :) 

Please be sure to check out our new website, ~ we have revamped everything and have new offerings, images, logo’s and an epic website, made by my friend Ethos De Leon. Thank you for checking out our new platform on YouTube as well, to watch these interview recordings from their live moment! 

I look forward to tapping into the consciousness of YOGA on the next episode of the YogaRevealed podcast.

This is your brother Alec, coming from Boulder, Colorado, loving you so much and oh so very grateful for all that you do to make our world a better place. Till next time,

Namaste & love life

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