Namaste Yoga Revealed podcast! This is Alec Vishal rouben and today is a beautiful day to be alive ~ and to practice that which we love so much, YOGA! 

It is a pleasure to introduce to you a sweet soul on the planet, Sheerle Dove. One of the most compassionate beings I’ve come into connection with and she has the ability to use her years of yogic study in real life situations which brings her to truly LOVE her self and others unconditionally. 

Yoga revealed, thank you so much for tuning in with me and Sheerle! You can find Sheerle on instagram at @sheerle.dove and be sure to send her a message letting her know what you thought about her download with us! We would so appreciate it if you shared this episode and tagged sheer lee, myself aleclovelifeyoga and yoga revealed! 

We do what we do here at Yoga Revealed for the mission of spreading the wisdom of yoga to more people faster. Because if you’re anything like myself and Sheerle, being a soul in a human body during this time is a wild experience that unlimited ways to expand…and yoga is a tool for our lifetime and beyond. 

Until next time my friends, practice on and love life~

Alec Vishal rouben

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.