Namaste, Yoga Revealed podcast! This is Alec Vishal rouben and I Am so excited to bring to you one of my favorite humans on the planet. Eddie Modestini. Eddie’s passion for yoga is unparalleled, as evidenced by the fact that he has been teaching for as along as he has been a yogi; 39 years! His sharp eye for reading student’s bodies through years of anatomical study, is a keynote in his teachings and has him stand out from the crowd of yoga teachers. Eddie is a teachers teacher. If you haven’t heard the two other episodes of Eddie on yoga revealed, please check it out and I hope you enjoy this episode of the yoga revealed podcast!

I hope you got as many gemstones as I did from this conversation!

If you are curious on how to find Eddie, visit for information on Eddie’s free classes, monday-friday 830am MST! Also, be sure to follow @Eddiemodestiniyoga on IG and @Yogaontheinside on IG!

In my life, when I devoted myself to the practice of yoga, I have watched yoga turn every page that has propelled my life forward. This podcast has been a catalyst for some of the most expansive people, opportunities and learning lessons to come into my life. I’m so grateful to share this with you! Eddie Modestini is the man who brought purium into my life! Purium and other companies Yoga Revealed stands behind is what supports us to continue to bring you next level conversations around yoga. If you are seeking to get into the conscious entrepreneurial space and/or take your health to the next level by removing glyphosate from your lower gut, the ultimate lifestyle transformation cleanse with purium is an amazing way to begin.

Follow the link in the description and you can get 25% off your order and if you want to learn how to build an online business, send me a personal message on IG and I would be honored to navigate this space with you!

My friends, we are all in this together. Take care of each other and love yourself a little to a lot more.

Until next time this is Alec Vishal rouben, plugging out to plug in.


Hosted on Acast. See for more information.