We all have off days. It can be hard to find mental balance, whether it's due to a stressful situation, personal life issues, or just being in a funk. 

The good news is that there is one practice that you can use to help improve your low mood—taking in the good. Taking in the good is a 4-step process developed by Dr. Rick Hanson. Its main focus is to take the time to recognize and savour beneficial experiences. It is supported by a peer-reviewed study on learning to learn from positive experiences, published via the Journal of Positive Psychology.

In this episode of Punks Unite Podcast, I share how to apply these steps to your day-to-day life.

Taking in the good isn't always easy when we're feeling down or overwhelmed by daily stressors but making an effort towards actively recognizing small moments of happiness throughout our days will go a long way towards improving our overall wellbeing and mental balance. 

Try incorporating this 4-step practice into your daily routine so that when those low days come around again, you'll have more tools available for coping well!


Positive Neuroplasticity Training course with Jo Delacourt
Enki Magazine
Positive News Magazine
Dr. Rick Hanson - Learning to learn from positive experiences, The Journal of Positive Psychology

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Music by Jake from Sunliner https://instagram.com/sunlinerband

Disclaimer: The host of this podcast is not a medical physician or doctor, nor do they claim to be. The information, knowledge, and content shared in this podcast are not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. We advise you to consult your doctor or qualified healthcare provider if you have any health concerns. Some links in these show notes may be affiliate links where the host will earn a commission for every purchase made.