The holidays are the most magical time of year. At least they can be. Or they can be the biggest nightmare of the year. It's usually a gamble on which. Depending greatly on how our family gatherings go. ----more----

Yes, we love family. We just don't always like them. Right!? Allow me to give a few tips to have a better holiday with your family. I guarantee no perfect anything, just some practical tips to have a better time. Shooting for perfect is a great way to fall on your face and be bitterly disappointed. ----more----

Join me as we talk about having a holiday plan. Not just the logistics. Though they do matter, especially your food and packing. But also preparing for the things we are pretty sure will happen. Even if we wish they wouldn't. ----more----

It's the little unsexy things that will make the biggest difference. Planning for time and space away, preparing outlets and responses, and setting firm boundaries. And having a plan for all the possibilities. And remember that if it causes only stress, it is ok to pass on the big family shindig this year.----more----As always come follow more of the journey to brave on socials. @findingpawnee on Instagram and @Finding Pawnee