#006- New year, new resolutions, and new goals. This is finally going to be the year that your business takes off, that you lose the weight, that you find the love of your life.  We can find ourselves feeling the pressure- feeling like if the vision board or the goals list we created doesn't happen that it'll mean we failed. What if we could take the pressure off this year? What if you actually have nothing to prove? How would you live differently this year if you knew that no matter what- you would be ok?

Today, I talk about the importance of having a vision and the type of relationship that we should have with it. Often, we're so busy running the race of life... running towards our goals and dreams that we find ourselves at the end of each year in the blink of an eye. Is that truly what life is about or is there another way? Join in the conversation as I share my thoughts on how this year can be a different one for you- one where you have nothing to prove. Are you willing to take the pressure off?

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