#004- What do you do when one day you wake up and realize that who you have been is no longer who you truly are? When you have been defined by long standing cultural expectations or an identity that you have taken on for so long- where do you even start to find yourself? I loved my conversation today with Asmaa Methqal who walked away from her thriving, multiple six-figures business strategy company to follow her intuition and create a new coaching business to empower women entrepreneurs and leaders to connect to their feminine power, gain absolute clarity and confidence, and experience aligned prosperity, purpose, and potential. 

We talk about:
·      The power of Courageous No’s- your GPS to finding who you are called to be and what you are called to do

·      Where to go to find all the answers you need to navigate through challenging decisions 

·      How to break through the bullshit rules and limitations that we have created for ourselves

Today, she has coached and mentored over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners across Africa, Europe, and North America as the creatrix and CEO of Fire+Flow.

To find out more about Asmaa, visit https:// iamasmaa.com
Link to access Asmaa's free gift- The Rise of Feminine Power: The New Way of Leading Life and Business e-book: https://iamasmaa.com/yesikan

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