#011- I met Adam Gilad over 2 years ago and was immediately captivated by his easy going, vibrant, passionate personality. He is truly a fascinating individual with a captivating history and background. Today, we got to have a fantastic conversation on his journey throughout the years from his travels around the world, creating some of the most amazing communities of men and women that are committed to becoming the best versions of themselves, and his latest company that is about to launch- Kyyndr- an amazing singles community  built on the foundation of love, kindness, growth and authenticity. What I love the most about it is that it is inclusive and a safe space for singles to build genuine connection- something that I truly believe is so needed in the world today.  

We talk about how it came to be, his vision for changing the game of dating, and what he sees as the cure to cure to painful, frustrating, disconnected dating.

Come join us on this amazing summit for singles who are ready to jump into a more loving, connected, authentic, and most importantly kinder dating world- come join us at the Kyyndr Summit from October 28- Oct 6 at www.kyyndr.com/kan

To learn more about Adam and his work, visit: www.kyyndr.com

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