Five years ago, no one thought the world would be in its current condition. But, if it continues this way, where will you be in 5 years? In this Coffee with Shanda, she shares where she was when this question first came up, and how it helped lead her to where she is now. Although this question may not mean anything to some people, for others, like Shanda, it can drive them to follow their dreams. Tune in now to learn how this simple question motivated Shanda and how it can motivate you, too. 


“Work on your next dream. And I’m telling you five years from now, you could be having the same conversation I’m having because my conversation and my dreams didn’t start here.”

-Shanda Sumpter


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In This Episode:


- Shanda’s stretchy financial plan that will pay back later


- Why you should look into your history and how that can motivate you


- Why you HAVE to step up now while your competitors are pulling back


- How to make your dreams your comfort zone


- DO NOT LIVE ON LOGIC, live on dreaming


- Why you shouldn’t just “get by” and how God is taking this away from you


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