Are you using all your power trying too hard to make something work? Shanda is here to share some inspired insight on the power of letting go so you can move forward. Without becoming complacent, she wants you to use your courage and intense energy to let go and make a leap of faith. The more you lower your resistance to God’s help, the more power God will give you! God wants you to be successful so you can become a role model for others. Make room for all that Divine power inside you!


“You have the power inside of you to turn your life right-side-up right now.”


-   Shanda Sumpter


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In this Episode:


- What to do when success is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t reach it yet


- Your success is there to be a role model for others—let God help you!


- Think past yourself: who will benefit when you enjoy your success?


- How serving others brings you more power


- Lower your resistance to God’s power, and you will be able to move lighter through the world


- What happens when you “blow the fuse” with your own power and intensity?


- Who in your life needs you to ease up on them right now?


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