Whenever we are in situations that either stress or overwhelm us, we tend to put our priorities in the wrong order. On every occasion that we don’t highlight the right things, our relationship or business will not grow. In today’s Coffee with Shanda, she talks about how you can set yourself up to think like a millionaire. She points out the significance of how one’s mindset can greatly impact how decisions are made and the entirety of one’s life. Tune in and learn more about how you can conquer 2020!


“The way we do one thing is the way we do everything.” - Shanda Sumpter


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In this Episode:


- The effects when you change your mindset


- The difference between hard work and quantum growth


- Why resistance can hold us down


- What your business timeline should look like


- The right time to write a book


Connect with Shanda:


- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HeartCoreBusiness/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARAOYqWIAlwV8ne7kb7WZmlJjSRfND-LdiWYWUV2yG6OZI6hRY6SKbTkgNbdtImhEKWT9xXiLNus97wP&hc_ref=ARQp8bfdea6vXcyQ0GzE0rw61WssuNPfkCEPulWNEApe8zmYNh177ofVSzVApn_a-Ks


- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shandasumpter/


- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0yb267FuHLdNfSL-2fPkA


- Website (HeartCore Business) - http://www.heartcorebusiness.com/