Creating impact filters greatly affects the success of your business. When you get to fully articulate what you think success is going to be like to the team that you have, you will be able to get things done more efficiently. Today, Shanda shares how she can help you and your productivity for 2020. She touches on the topic of creating a job description for yourself that focuses on your natural talents. Catch coffee with Shanda and get ready to manage your own mind and grow not only your profits but your business as a whole!


“Nobody wants to wake up and be like, I missed life while I was pursuing income. That’s not the goal.” - Shanda Sumpter


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In this Episode:


- How movement is created within your business


- Why having a growth mindset is important


- Intimacy vs. Broadness


- The importance of writing down a job description for yourself


- What you need to do to become successful




- Dan Sullivan -


- F45 training -


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