RIP Ulitmate Warrior; NXT Arrival on RAW; WrestleManiaXXX A :Showcase of New Stars
Emma vs. Sasha Banks - Ratchet Chants.
LMS Devon and Eden
Brodus Clay seeking redemption, seeks NXT Tile, Champ Adrian Neville with good comeback promo
NXT steals TNAs Backstage Cam, must be an Orlando thing.
Sami Zayn vs Corey Graves
Post-WrestleMania crowd chant happy as expected. HHH books himself in title match tonight.
Batista/Orton to challenge Usos for penny belts.
Wyatts look like Rockstars vs Cena vs. Big E vs. Sheamus. John Cena Sucks set to his theme, swaying arms, clapping to the theme, whole world in his hands. Bray is gonna kill you. Big E takes Sister Abigail.
Bo Dallas is coming. Impossible is possible when you Bolieve.
Fandango dance still happens with this crowd one year later. Emma dance gets over.
Brock, the one in 21-1.
Adam Rose and the Exotic Express is coming.
RVD returns and Rusev debuts.
The Ultimate Warrior back on RAW
Paige confronts AJ Lee...295 day title reign, and formerly the best diva in the world. Paige new WWE Divas champion. Black widow with the Paige Turner.
Cesaro awarded Andre trophy, becomes a new Paul Heyman guy and Swagger attacks and destroys the trophy.
Shield turn face, No contest in title match.


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