Oops, time to book the Sacrifice PPV
Eric Young wins 10-man Rumble er Gauntlet match to earn World  title shot  vs. Magnus. Opts to cash in shot tonight.
Dixie is back , cheesy welcome back by Spud, Willow destroys it.
4-way for Knockouts title, Angelina wins with help from Velvet and Arrogance.
BroMans old school heel tag team weaseling the Wolves.
Dixie confronts Bully Ray
Mr. Anderson and Christy try to commit Samuel Shaw, Christy doesnt know foreplay.
June 25-27, TNA comes to Manhattan Center NYC
EY vs. Magnus-Piledriver to win the World Title after 10 years with the company. Underwhelming response to a title change
Adam Rose, quick win vs. Danny Burch. Instant sensation.
Mojo Rawley 60 second squash with stinger splashes rear end and earthquake move called hyperdrive. Sylvester Lefort is junk why for a Brodus Clay beatdown ugh.
Cesaro neutralizes Big Show
Cena calls himself the measuring stick, the standard bearer.
Fandango dances with Layla, nice switch.
Shield protect Daniel Bryan. War Games match might happen.
Ultimate Warrior 10 bell tribute, feel awful about the kids.
Intercontinental Title Tournament, made to elevate the belt. Does that mean the world title belts stay together.
ToyRUs with Sheamus and Big E.
Cody and Goldust/Rybaxel more permanently in the tag team division.
Paige wins with the crosslock submission.
Smoking girlfriend. ..outside now.
The Shield have Orton and Batista as their new target.
Cesaro feats of strength.
Bray Wyatt back against the wall vs Cena
Closing the chapter on corporate Kane, to face Bryan at Extreme Rules.
The burial of Sandow and Ziggler.
Evolution returns after an 11-3 breakdown to the Shield.

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