WrestleMania XXX Post Show-Brock Breaks The Streak; Bryan Breaks Through to Win Title
PreShow-The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) (c) vs. Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando) vs. The Real Americans(Cesaro and Jack Swagger) vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel-Fatal four-way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship-Lots of suicide dives. Matadores go out. Uppercut and neutralizer to Ryback to knock out Rybaxel. Double splash to Cesaro after he got thrown into Swagger. Swagger upset, yells at Zeb, puts Patriot lock on Cesaro. Cesaro shakes Swaggers hand but Cesaro swings him and leaves the ring. We have our breakup.
Hogan, Rock and Stone Cold all in the ring to open. Hogan says Silverdome but recovers eventually.
1-Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H-Singles match for the third spot in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat match-Steph introduces Hunter comes in a gold throne with a skeletor looking mask.-Code of Honor negated into a quick pin. Steph at ringside. Trips works on shoulder out of ring. Back to back suicide dives. On the Main announce table, HHH rings shoulder on the table. Shoulder behind back suplex on ring apron. Crossface to injured shoulder. Brutal German release suplex looked amazing. Powerbomb by Bryan to come back. Diving Headbutt reversed to crossface. Yes signs all in front row. Bryan reverses to yes lock.  More dives outside. Bryan in control. Spinebuster and pedigree to 2 count. Pedigree flipped to suplex for near fall. Reversal to running knee and finish looks strong. HHH does the job and Bryan moves on to the title match late in the night. Trips hits chair into shoulder on the way out. Match went 30 minutes.
2-The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn)-Six-man tag team match- Shield come out with skeleton like bandanas. Just for men for Kane. Couple of spears Triple powerbomb to Outlaws for pin. Match under 5 minutes.
3-André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal-30-man battle royal for the André the Giant Memorial Trophy-Big Show comes out in Andre gear, and Sheamus gets entrance.Kofi does his trick as Cesaro throws over corner and feet stay on steel. Sheamus, Del Rio and Big Show final four. Del Rio and Sheamus knock each other. Cesaro picks up Big Show and throws him out to win.
4-John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt-Mark Crozer and The Rels play Broken House of Love as the Wyatts come out. Wyatt goes to knees and ask Cena to be the monster and take him out. Wyatt and Cena get dual chants. Cena gets ruthless and snaps a bit. Great ring psychology, unconventional, great storytelling. Cena shoulder tackles, 5 knuckle reversed when Wyatt goes crab. Crowd with arms swaying, singing Whole World in his Hands. Cena off top rope dives onto Rowan and Harper. Cena fighting the demons. Cena spears Harper through barricade. Abigail to STF. Abigail to near fall. Wyatt gives Cena a chair and  Cena relents. Abigail reversed to AA for win.
5-The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar-Casket with Lesnars name on it. Takers makes casket open with fire.Package has Cole announcing potential breaking of streak.  Taker works on Brocks left shoulder. Lesnar attacks Takers leg. Crowd cooling down for this match. Lesnar in control pummeling Taker. Taker counters with DDT. Snake eyes, big boot, leg drop, 2 count. Chokeslam for 2. F5 for 2. Hells gate which Lesnar breaks, then a second time a pickup and break. Kimura lock then reversal by Taker. Old school reversed to F5 for 2 count. Back to back German suplexes low impact to protect Taker. Tombstone for 2-count. Third F5 to break the streak. What they said would never be broken has been broken.
6-Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational
14-Diva single-fall match for the WWE Divas Championship-Cameron  has wardrobe malfunction and had to take Dilemma. AJ puts black widow on Naomi to retain.
WM 1 Main Event reunited with MrT, Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorf and Piper.
7-Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan-Triple Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship-Rev Theory plays Orton to the ring and Orton must be pissed to see them. Batista and Orton 1 on 1 then Bryan comes back. Authority comes out as Bryan has yes lock on Orton. Scott Armstrong comes in as ref. Armstrong kicked out of ring. Suicide dive to the Authority. Batista and Orton team up on Bryan. Orton uses steps to shoulder. Two announce tables cleared Batista bomb RKO combo through table. Stretcher comes out. Bryan being tended to, gets neck brace.Bryan gets off of stretcher. Orton coils up, yes lock to Orton. Batista breaks it but yes lock to him. Orton breaks it. RKO no to Batista, spear to Orton, RKO to 2 count. Running knee to Orton. Batista steals pin to 2-count. Bryan running knee to yes lock to Batista to finally become champion.

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