Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally – Ross Gile. Ross is owner of DigiCal a web development company in Whittier California. Ross is very involved in his City Council and Chamber of Commerce, we want to explore what the benefits are with connecting with local groups and how it as helped his business.

Notes Ross' Website DigiCal – Join the chamber of commerce Our local Chamber of Commerce Attend the events at your local chamber – get to shake hands and network with the right people Chambers are for networking, meeting local businesses and talking with great local people. Membership often includes free services such as monthly newsletters and promotions The meetings can be a lot like a ‘meetup’ in style/atmosphere There are side benefits too – making new friends, people remembering you when special events and opportunities come up – building relationships Whittier Chamber of Commerce Business Expo BNI – business networking international – forced leads needed to participate DigiCal on Facebook Make Notecards and HANDwrite thank yous to send to people. Try to send out at least 5 notecards a week Ross Dancing Offer to teach a class at the local ‘adult learning’ center or college Give yourself and your services away from time to time – great exposure Don’t just ‘build business’ – build friendships too, networking is not the same as selling Give back to your local community Build a local events website like Ross did calendar plugin for WordPress Leveraging your time – try investing 10 hours in your community/networking and you’ll get that much + more in return, can start with only 1 or 2 hours per week Start small – don’t say yes to everything (work/life balance) Outsource when you feel overwhelmed or underskilled – you don’t have to do everything yourself Thanks to these fine folks to helping us with our crowd sourced show notes

Jonathan Perlman – @jpurpleman
Cheryl LaPrade – @yaycheryl
Sherie LaPrade – @heysherie
James Tryon – @jamestryon

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Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally – Ross Gile. Ross is owner of DigiCal a web development company in Whittier California. Ross is very involved in his City Council and Chamber of Commerce, we want to explore what the benefits are with connecting with local groups and how it as helped his business.

Notes Ross' Website DigiCal – Join the chamber of commerce Our local Chamber of Commerce Attend the events at your local chamber – get to shake hands and network with the right people Chambers are for networking, meeting local businesses and talking with great local people. Membership often includes free services such as monthly newsletters and promotions The meetings can be a lot like a ‘meetup’ in style/atmosphere There are side benefits too – making new friends, people remembering you when special events and opportunities come up – building relationships Whittier Chamber of Commerce Business Expo BNI – business networking international – forced leads needed to participate DigiCal on Facebook Make Notecards and HANDwrite thank yous to send to people. Try to send out at least 5 notecards a week Ross Dancing Offer to teach a class at the local ‘adult learning’ center or college Give yourself and your services away from time to time – great exposure Don’t just ‘build business’ – build friendships too, networking is not the same as selling Give back to your local community Build a local events website like Ross did calendar plugin for WordPress Leveraging your time – try investing 10 hours in your community/networking and you’ll get that much + more in return, can start with only 1 or 2 hours per week Start small – don’t say yes to everything (work/life balance) Outsource when you feel overwhelmed or underskilled – you don’t have to do everything yourself Thanks to these fine folks to helping us with our crowd sourced show notes

Jonathan Perlman – @jpurpleman Cheryl LaPrade – @yaycheryl Sherie LaPrade – @heysherie James Tryon – @jamestryon

The post WPblab EP58 – Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally w/ Ross Gile – DigiCal appeared first on WPwatercooler.

See for privacy and opt-out information.

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