Over a year ago I wrote one our most popular posts on the WP-Tonic’s website about the importance of speed when it comes to your WordPress-powered website in regards to usability and how Google ranks your website in SEO (search engine optimization) terms.




In this episode, we talk about 11 things you can do to make your WordPress website faster. A lot of this is based on a 3500+ word article that Jonathan put together for the WP-Tonic, but we further extrapolate the ideas and techniques talked about there.


Show Table of Contents:

0:00 Intros

2:06 Reviewing the 11 steps to making your WordPress site faster

2:59 Page speed testing tools

3:23 Google Page Speed Insights

3:48 Time to first byte is an SEO factor

4:05 Why large sites spend so much time on page speed

4:44 The waterfall view of browser resources

5:28 Chrome Developer Tools to see the waterfall view

5:50 How to find the time to first byte for your website

6:26 DNS and page speed performance

8:28 How hosting affects page speed

9:03 You will never have a fast website with shared hosting

10:29 Why managed WordPress hosting is superior to general hosting

11:52 The near-future: PHP7 and HTTP/2

12:23 What is better? nginx or Apache?

13:00 The biggest performance difference between general hosts and managed hosting

15:40 External calls and HTTP requests can affect page speed

17:20 How caching can reduce HTTP requests and improve page speed

117:52 Why you need to talk to a consultant before buying a base theme

18:35 The dirty secret about how 85% of web shops pick WordPress themes

20:40 Visual builders based on shortcodes are terrible for performance

21:38 Page speed affects your marketing efforts

23:25 You get what you pay for

24:28 The quality and number of plugins can affect page speed

28:20 How caching helps your page speed

31:04 Web fonts: how much does this affect page speed?

31:55 A short history of web fonts

33:21 The down side of using web fonts

36:07 Image optimization, and how easy it is to add tons of page weight without knowing it

37:21 A short history of web images

37:59 A huge problem with modern web design and website performance

40:35 Image compression tools like Kraken.io

41:50 CDNs: What are they, and how do they help page speed?

42:30 How CDNs work

45:40 General tips for learning more about improving page speed

47:45 Outros and some interesting news




WP-Tonic is not only a WordPress maintenance and support service, but we publish a twice weekly WordPress podcast where we talk with some of the brightest minds in WordPress development and online marketing.