Chad Carson is an Entrepreneur, Writer, and Teacher, who Co Owns over 100 Units of Rental Property and Private Lending In and Around the College Town of Clemson, South Carolina. He wrote an Amazon Bestselling book “Retire Early With Real Estate”, and his story has been featured on Forbes, Yahoo Finance and more. Chad, His Wife, and Two Kids Recently Returned from 17 months Living Abroad in Cuenca, Ecuador. Each Week Chad Shares Tips, Strategies and Stories on His Popular Blog Podcast on Youtube Chanel

In this episode we talked about:

 • Chad’s Bio & Background

 • Flipping Houses

 • Ups and Downs of Students Rental Space

 • De-Risking Real Estate Deals

 • Valuation Metrics of Single-Family Rentals VS Student Rentals

 • Raising Capital in College Towns

 • Chad’s Plan for Tomorrow

 • House Hacking

 • The process of Writing the“Retire Early With Real Estate” Book

 • Chad’s Thoughts and Views on Interest Rates and Inflation

 • Unlevered Yield

 • Coaching and Blogging on Youtube Channel

 • Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned


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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jesper gala and you're listening to working capital the real estate podcast. My guest today is Chad Carson, AKA coach Carson.


Chad Carson is the author of the bigger pockets book retire early with real estate. And he is an entrepreneur writer and teach and teacher who cones over a hundred units of rental property in Clemson, South Carolina, Chad used real estate investing to reach financial independence before the age of 37. When he, his wife and two kids decided to spend 17 months living in Ecuador in south America each week. Chad shares tips, strategies and stories on his popular blog podcast and YouTube channel coach Carson, coach Carson. How's it going?


It's great,


Chad (1m 2s): Jesse. Good to see you. Good to see you again. And we were on a panel not too long ago, so nice to connect.


Jesse (1m 7s): Yeah, absolutely. Yes. We were in new Orleans on the a at BP con, which was a lot of fun. I've talked about it on the show. It was nice to get out there since the last one in Nashville, which I guess was two years before that. Right?


Chad (1m 20s): Exactly. Yeah. It's like the rockstars of real estate. You get to hang out with people and talk about the market. Talk about all deal making. It's a lot of fun.