Ashley Kehr Holds Degrees in Financing and Public Accounting and is a License Insurance Agent. She Purchased Her First Rental Property in 2014 and since then has Grown her Buy and Hold Portfolio Consisting of Residential Property, Commercial Property and Mobile Home Parks. Ashley is also the co-host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Rookie Podcast with a Goal to help Newbies figure out the Actionable Steps Necessary to get their first deal. Currently, Ashley lives near Buffalo, NY on a Dairy Farm with her husband and three boys. She Spends most of her time Educating New Investors, Analyzing deals, Seeking the Next Adventure, and living a spontaneous life.

In this episode we talked about:

Ashley’s Bio & Background
Property Management
The First Duplex Deal
Investing in Mobile Home Parks
A Pivot to Camp Grounds
The Underwriting for Camp Grounds
Regulatory Environment
The Philosophy of the Trade-off between Potential Income and Value
Real Estate Risks and Opportunities in the Next 2 years
Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jesper gala and you're listening to working capital the real estate podcast. My special guest today is Ashley Kerr. Ashley holds degrees in finance and public accounting and is a licensed insurance agent.


She purchased her first rental property in 2014 and has since grown her buy and hold portfolio consisting of residential property, commercial property and mobile home parks. Ashley is also the cohort cohost of the bigger pockets, real estate rookie podcast with a goal to help newbies in real estate, figure out the actual steps necessary to get their first deal. Currently. Ashley, we just talked about this. You live near Buffalo, New York on a dairy farm of all things with your husband and three boys. How are you doing


Ashley (1m 2s): Good. Thank you so much for having


Jesse (1m 3s): Me right on. So I guess just on that, on that point, you are in Buffalo, so we're probably just a two hour drive away from each other. The dairy farm is that that's a family run thing or?


Ashley (1m 15s): Yeah, so my husband's family, he's third generation. And basically when I moved out of my parents' house, I moved to here and lived down the pharmacist.


Jesse (1m 25s): I love it. We were just chatting before the show. I'm kind of on the heels of, of BP con in new Orleans. Ashley was, you were speaking on a panel, you mentioned before. It was a panel of, I guess, women in real estate. Is that co