Brittany Arnason is a full-time commercial real estate investor and social media influencer, commercial real estate junkie, DIY Junkie, retired power engineer, author and speaker. Brittany’s Initial steps in Real Estate Getting into constructing  The power of Instagram and marketing The ups and downs of DIY projects How Brittany’s career has evolved Opportunities for investing in the US Her investment philosophy Structuring of self-storages deals Investment geography Distribution of team roles The impact of lockdowns Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesse Fragale. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to working capital the real estate podcast. I'm Jennifer galley and my special guest today is Brittany Arneson. Brittany is a full-time commercial real estate investor. 

And I think you just have to take one, look at horror at her Instagram page to really get a sense of what she does. Commercial real estate junkie, a DIY jaggy, retired power engineer, author, speaker, educator, and investor. Britney. How are you doing today? 

Brittany (47s): I'm really good. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me. My pleasure. 

Jesse (51s): So we talked a little bit before the show about past guests saying that you have to have Brittany on, you have to have Brittany on, I've been following you on Instagram, on your DIY projects for probably over a year now, maybe longer, really inspiring stuff. So thank you again for coming on. And I think it's going to be a treat today. 

Brittany (1m 9s): I appreciate it. 

Jesse (1m 11s): So Brittney, on the show pretty standard for us is to have guests come on, take a step back and talk a little bit about real estate in general and how they got into the industry and what their, you know, initial steps in the journey were. 

Brittany (1m 27s): Yeah, so I got started super young. I bought my first house at 18 years old and so I've been in real estate over 10 years now. And really I got started when I was even younger than that. Cause my mom owned rental properties and she would get my brother and I to help her out with renovations, but just kind of where you can see that DIY stuff filtering through my Instagram page, but got started with her. She would just, you know, hand me a paint brush and say, get to work kid, help me out. I can't pay people. So I want to just get, so that was fun. 

Learned a ton from her. And then I was always really motivated throughout high school and everything to buy my first house. So, but one in Saskatchewan, if anyone knows where that is talking to it, talking to a kid from Toronto. So yeah, totally. All my American friends are like, huh, what's the schedule. It's kind of like in the center of Canada where all those super cheap properties are and have family out in Saskatchewan and notice that the properties were quite cheap.