Matt Gouge has spent 5 years in direct lending before making a switch to Independent Mortgage Broker in 2018. As an Independent Mortgage broker he takes private advising to the wide variety of clients with diverse needs.

Matt`s background Entering the Mortgage business Matt’s first investment Business Overview during the 08-09 recession How to grow a real estate business Interest rates and inflation Where Matt is looking for deals Building a team Real estate marketing Investment outlook Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesse Fragale. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to working capital the real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley and my special guest today is Matt. Matt has spent five years in direct lending before making the switch to independent mortgage broker in 2018 as an independent mortgage broker. 

He takes pride in advising a wide variety of clients with diverse needs as to which lender and loan product is right for them. So today we're going to be talking about all things, investing, all things, mortgages, Matt, how's it going? Oh, it's going great. How are you doing Jesse? I'm doing great, man. The sun is out. It's a beautiful day down here. How's it up in Sacramento, same, same thing. 

Matt (56s): And I get this when I record something on YouTube or court's on anywhere. They're like you're in California where it's hot and you're wearing a jacket inside my office freezing cold. So it's, it's 66 in my office, but outside it's, it's probably mid eighties. That'll get to see out that often with as busy as mortgage has been these last few years, but I assure you it's, it's sunny in California still. 

Jesse (1m 16s): Yeah, well, it's a pretty topical to be talking mortgages right now. I think over the last few podcasts and just in general, you know, everything has been spotlight on where interest rates are at inflation, you know, the impact of this stimulus. And I'm sure you're seeing a ton of volume right now just given the fact that there's so much capital out there, 

Matt (1m 35s): Right? Yeah. There's so much capital and there's so much demand for real estate. That's what people don't realize is like sure. We have a supply problem where, you know, the supply demand imbalance causes this run-up in real estate. You know, you've got viewers that are in Canada, they're seeing similar stuff, but in the United States, we've got price appreciation of 15, 17% sure that, that we need more supply and not enough was built in last 10 years, but nobody's really talking about the fact that like we're on pace to have 7 million sales in 2021, which is like a 20% uptick from previous years when the average year sees about five and a half million sales. 

So plenty of demand, I'm surely not lacking in, in business or incoming, you know, loan applications. 

Jesse (2m 15s): Yeah, absolutely. Well, I can't remember which guests we had on and put said, there's always that conundrum or that thing in real estate when t