Sarah Sax is the Founder and CEO of Write for the Job. In her work, she revamps your resume, cover letter, and Linkedin profiles to tell your story so that you can land a job that makes you happy. With her skills, she helps you to integrate your personal story in your professional materials in a way that sets you apart from the rest.

On today’s show, Sarah and I discuss:

How being in a job that makes you happy impacts all other areas of your life -- How to craft your professional story to pivot careers -- The importance of establishing credibility as part of reinventing yourself and telling your story  --



· Origin story and the catalyst for starting Write for the Job

· The importance of weaving in your personal experiences

· It’s not about the past tasks, it’s about the growth of the experience

· Translating past experiences into future possibility


· How to use networking and your personal strengths to your advantage

· Using your skills and strengths to pivot to a different career

· How to catch the eye of the employer with your resume

· Should you include a photo on your resume?

· Establishing credibility for your next job

· Maximizing your social media profiles


· Do you really need a cover letter?

· Why Sarah loves Writing for the Job

· How Sarah grows personally and professionally

· How she works with clients

Listeners of the Reinvent You Podcast will receive a Free 15-minute consultation and a 15% discount when you work with Sarah and mention the Reinvent You Podcast.

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