Do you follow anyone online who seems to be 100% unashamedly THEMSELF and everyone seems to love them?


It kinda makes you wonder (or at least, it makes me wonder): is this person just unusually charismatic -- and they know it -- or can anyone be that attractive if they’re that confident?


Margo Aaron falls into this category for me. I stumbled upon her work about a year ago and felt like everything she wrote hit a chord with my soul.


Needless to say, I subscribed immediately. And have read nearly everything she’s sent me since.


Now, I’ve got some questions for Margo. Like…

Does she somehow know that what she’s writing will hit home?
Is she really as “authentic” as she seems? …or is it all a carefully planned marketing effort?
What’s her best advice for being “yourself” and also writing words that other people will love? (And for all of us entrepreneurs… words that sell our products?)


Basically, what I want to know is: how can we both be ourselves AND be popular?


If that’s possible, then today we’re going to find out, because I convinced Margo to come on the podcast and let me interrogate interview her.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

Why the best copy doesn't come from your imagination, it comes from talking to people
How Margo uses boundaries to show up authentically as herself in EVERYTHING she does
Why marketing and selling is simply the art and science of getting people to care
How Margo uses data to draw conclusions about what she should create
Margo’s best advice if you don't have an audience to listen to


Learn more about Margo Aaron:
Follow Margo on Instagram


Learn more about Gillian:

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Episode Mentions

David Ogilvy