What’s the best thing for you to work on right now to move your business forward?


Well, to answer that question, start with this one: What stage of growth is your business in?


Confused? You’re not alone.


Quite possibly, you don’t know, because… nobody told you what your options are. Nobody broke down the stages of growth and gave you the big-picture for building a successful business.


Not your fault at all, but worth changing! Understanding where your business is in its growth makes it easy to know what your top priority (AKA the work that will actually move the needle) should be.


This week, on the podcast, I interviewed business designer Michelle Warner. Michelle has an MBA from a top business school, and years of practical experience working with small business owners to strategically grow their companies.


In the episode, Michelle walks us through the 5 stages of small business growth (don’t worry, they’re easily understandable!), how to know which one YOU are in right now, and what that means you should focus on to GROW fast and strong.


She also shares exactly what you need to do to move forward to the next stage from where you’re at right now.


If you want to get clarity on exactly what you should be working on right now to build your business, then this episode is a must-listen.


This interview is an eye-opener for sure. Don’t miss it!


Listen to the full episode to hear:

How to figure out what you should work on next that will make the biggest impact on your business
The five stages of growth in business and how to define them
What stage the most significant part of initial product development happens
How to know when you’re ready to move out of one stage and into the next
When you might need to go back a stage (and what to look for)


Learn more about Michelle Warner:

Instagram @michelle.warner


Learn more about Gillian:

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