This is the story of how I successfully launched a profitable product online.


But this story was preceded by almost 3 years of trying unsuccessfully to launch an online business, and before that, about 7 years of trying to figure out what I even wanted to start.


I was 6 months into my YouTube journey, and my channel had grown to about 15,000 subscribers. I was earning just enough from ad revenue and freelancing that I'd been able to finally quit my day-job. Though, to be honest, we were still barely scraping by and mostly living off of savings.


The time had come to try to launch a digital product to — hopefully! — create a stream of passive income.


The only problem? I'd already tried to launch three digital products, and none of them had been successful.


In Episode 2, I talked about the mistakes I made trying to do a big launch of a project I didn’t know  if people even wanted.


So what did I do differently that finally moved the needle and started generating sales?


Listen to the full episode to hear:

Why choosing to offer the workshop at a low price eliminated a key variable, but why it’s a choice to be used strategically and sparingly
How using the same format with different topics clarified what people were interested in learning about
How those quick and dirty live workshops became valuable assets
Why focusing on the process instead of a sales goal can be the mindset shift you need


Learn more about Gillian:

Join Startup Society (promo code: earnmore)
Profit Planning Challenge
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