Not. One. Single. Sale.


After spending almost two months creating an online course, writing launch emails, and even putting together a webinar, I ended up making ZERO sales.


So what happened?


In episode two of $0 to $1M, I'll be sharing my mistakes so that YOU can avoid them with your next launch and get much better results than I did.


It was 2016 and I was ready to launch my online business. I had finally discovered what I was most passionate about—what I really wanted to "be when I grew up"–and I was ready to step into this new career.


Over the previous several months, I'd built a list of 1,000 subscribers for another business venture, and now that I'd started my digital marketing business list, that was quickly growing as well.


I wanted to turn my knowledge into a source of income, and creating an online course about list-building seemed like a great way to do that.


So, I planned, recorded and edited video lessons, created worksheets, wrote launch emails, planned a webinar. I was putting everything I'd learned over the past 2 years about digital marketing into practice!


Problematic symptoms started showing up early, but I had a lot of faith in the process. I was holding out hope for the promised six-figure launch!


14 people signed up for my webinar. None of them showed up.


Needless to say, I didn't make many sales.


In fact, by the end of the whole "launch," not a single person had purchased


What went wrong?


Listen to the full episode to hear:

Why you have to know that people want your product and why they want it–you have to validate it
Three essential puzzle pieces you need to sell products and how to balance them
The launch math you need to know on sales tactics and conversion rates
Mindset adjustments and tips to take failure out of your launch


Learn more about Gillian:

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Profit Planning Challenge
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