
Courage to take action, courage to be brave, to be bold, to be beautifully you, exactly how you are in the here and now.




The ability to do something that frightens one, bravery.


To have the courage to say yes to those scary things, and do it anyway.


To be able to stand in the face of worry, maybe a little scared

and to say, You know what...


Life is too short to play small.


And I today have the courage.


I have the courage to take action, to take action towards the goals that I want to achieve, to the life that I want to lead.


No one else, not my family, not my friends, but myself.


The courage to say yes to the really scary opportunities that live sometimes hands to us.


Moving to the other side of the world, doing a skydive, saying yes to going on a live on social media.


Everyone's courage looks completely different, because it's within you, and it's made for you. And when we tap into our courage every single day, we start to step out of our comfort zone. And that, that right there is truly where the magic happens.


Because every time you face the courage, and you use the courage, just like the lion did, in The Wizard of Oz, you get to tap into taking the action.


And you know what brings action, confidence.


Confidence follows the action. Confidence comes from you doing something over and over again until it becomes subconscious within you. You don't need confidence to get started. You know what you need.


You need courage.


So much courage, courage to be you courage to be seen courage to be bold courage to be brave courage to be everything you want to be.


Remember, when you were a child and nothing got in your way, your imagination ran wild and everything you pretended to be you believed you were.


I want you to tap into that moment, tap into that time where you believed you could move mountains.


You believed that you could make people feel a certain way because you still have that within you today, right now. And all you need is courage.


Be bold.


Be brave.


Do what you are here to do.


But most importantly, have the courage to be you!


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Instagram - @_rebeccahaydon_

Email - [email protected]