Dr. Aviva Romm is a Yale-trained medical doctor, MD, mid-wife, herbalist and the author of the new book "The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution". The book outlines the root causes of Survival Overdrive Syndrome (SOS), and guides you through a natural, holistic plan to reverse it, and rescue your metabolism, hormones, immunity, mind and mood. This book comes out today 31/01/2017.


Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:50 Aviva Romm's history

Min 06:30 Aviva's clinical experience with women and auto-immune diseases

Min 12:40 Survival Overdrive Syndrome (SOS) and the science that connects the immune system with the hormone system

Min 17:00 The three levels of adrenal thyroid revolution for women

Min 22:30 The 5 root causes of adrenal and thyroid dysfunction

Min 26:20 The Epstein-Bar virus (EBV) and Hashimotos

Min 35:30 Aviva's 4-week plan to heal adrenals and support thyroid function


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"When sleeping women wake, mountains move"

Chinese proverb


Megan's Resources:  

You can explore more of Aviva's book by getting a free chapter of "The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution" by going here.  And when you buy the book you get a bonus - a free cookbook.

Aviva also created a complementary 28-day journal that has a lot of self-care activities and exercises that she couldn't fit into the book.

To learn more about Dr. Aviva Romm, visit her website here and follow her on social media:






Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

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