Megan Buer is an Emotion Code practitioner from Virginia and a mother of 3. Her son was diagnosed with autism and while trying to look for information to help her son, she stopped taking care of herself and was eventually diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.

Megan was introduced to Emotion Code by a friend and it greatly helped her because despite having a great diet, taking expensive supplements and exercising there was just this piece missing and she wasn't getting where she needed to be.

Free E-Book: Notes From Mental Health Month

We put all information from JJ Virgin and notes from the other speakers on Mental Health Month together in an E-Book for you. You can get a copy by clicking here or on the image below:


What You Will Learn:

How the Emotion Code works Fixing physical and emotional health Mindset shift for healthy living How our bodies communicate to us Making intuitive choices

To learn more about Megan Buer, click here to visit her website and follow her on social media:

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Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!


Megan’s Resources: 

The Handbook for Healing

Keys to Calm – The Secrets to Healing Anxiety

E-course: Transforming Your Relationship with Food


Meditation Challenge

During this Mental Health Month, I'll be doing a free Meditation Challenge meant to challenge you to meditate every day for a month and have support while doing it. And you don't have to do any huge amount of meditation; even just 1 min per day is fine because meditation is a great tool that can help us find peace of mind! Grab this chance to meditate with a supportive community.

Click here to learn more about this free challenge and if you'd like to join, please share you name and your goal in the blog comments below, or on our private Facebook group.


Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative