Ann Melin is a functional health coach and my colleague in the Restore Your Radiance Program, our private health coaching program through Women's Wellness Collaborative. She's our guest this week where we talk about the program and issues we have come across in women in the private coaching program.

New offer! Use the coupon code 'happy' to have a Spark Case Review for just $50. Code valid through Sept. 6, 2017 Pacific time zone only. Appointment slots are limited and enrollment closes Wed 9/6.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:10 Ann Melin's work in the Restore Your Radiance Program
Min 05:30 Bridgit's work in the Spark Case Review Program
Min 08:35 Challenges/road blocks to good health
Min 12:30 Health profiles of women in the program
Min 17:55 Thyroid issues among women
Min 21:05 Gut issues among women
Min 23:10 Interacting with other health practitioners
Min 27:10 What the program offers & follow-ups


Lab Testing for Women's Health Webinar replay
Restore Your Radiance Program - closes on September 6
Spark Case Review 

New offer! Use the coupon code 'happy' to have a Spark Case Review for just $50. Code valid through Sept. 6, 2017 Pacific time zone only. Appointment slots are limited and enrollment closes Wed 9/6.

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Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative
