Stacy is a medical coder and is our volunteer for the Spark Case Review which is part of the Restore Your Radiance Program, our private health coaching program. There are a lot of things discussed with Stacy that can be translated into your case whether menopause issues, PCOS, digestive issues, etc. because all these systems are connected.

New offer! Use the coupon code 'happy' to have a Spark Case Review for just $50. Code valid through Sept. 6, 2017 Pacific time zone only. Appointment slots are limited and enrollment closes Wed 9/6.


Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:25 Introduction to Stacy
Min 03:20 Stacy's medical history & main symptom she wants to reduce
Min 07:25 Health shifts Stacy has made
Min 08:20 Irregular periods & medication taken
Min 13:40 Stacy's diagnosis & treatment received
Min 17:10 High stress hormone levels
Min 20:00 Other treatment options used
Min 21:40 Time/money spent on treatment
Min 24:30 Stacy's nutrition & changes in diet
Min 28:15 Other things about Stacy's health
Min 30:20 Bridgit's feedback on Stacy's health
Min 39:55 Dealing with stress in a positive way
Min 43:20 Stomach flu, constipation & diarrhea
Min 45:20 How the Restore Your Radiance Program works


Spark Case Review 

Restore Your Radiance Program - closes on September 6

New offer! Use the coupon code 'happy' to have a Spark Case Review for just $50. Code valid through Sept. 6, 2017 Pacific time zone only. Appointment slots are limited and enrollment closes Wed 9/6.

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Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative
