Intimate relationships are held by many Eastern traditions as the highest form of yoga. Intimate relationships will bring the darkness hidden within us all out, for transforming in the light of day. It is the longing within the heart of all true loves, and we are instead taught to engage each other as "commodities on demand". "You are to do/be/not do this if you love me"  or "If you loved me, you'd behave the way I want you to, agree with me", etc. To not much surprise, such relationships hit troubled waters once one person does not agree to this, or goes elsewhere for the connection and support they are seeking.

Learn how to engage the true magic of intimate relationship-to be seen and loved just as you are, warts and all. To do so requires you can hold yourself with such love enough to offer it to another. Relationships otherwise will show themselves in time to be either an exchange of commodities or caretaking by one person of the other. Unhappiness and resentment, lying and betrayal the results in time, not the intimate and soul connection desired.

To learn more about JaiKaur and her mentoring of women for embracing their power in life and love, check out her website