Women at midlife are called to cross the bridge from living the expectations of others to living what is true for them in their heart and soul. Midlife is a time when marriages are called to heal or die, hormones rage so you tend to your rage, and no longer can your busyness shield your unhappiness. Having spent years fulfilling roles and to-do lists, you may have forgotten to be a woman first and confused your value with making others happy with you. Crossing the bridge of midlife is choosing to reclaim and renew yourself, giving voice to and living what your life and world is longing for.

Crossing the bridge of midlife requires you renew your relationship with your spirit and soul for claiming your sovereignty and legacy as a woman. Crossing the bridge of midlife demands you no longer live by the expectations of others and buy into that your needs are selfish. For deep within you, you know the world is as healthy as women are happy and empowered. Join me for exploring being a woman crossing the bridge of midlife, gathering strength and support in community, embracing your grace and grit as a woman.

To learn more about JaiKaur and her mentoring of women embracing their power in live and love with grit and grace CLICK HERE