What's unspoken has so much power and your choice to not speak up costs you more than you think. While you may tell yourself it's not a big deal, or it really won't make any difference, the truth it, you are afraid of what speaking up will cost you. And while that may be so, not speaking usually costs you more in the long run.

The world needs women to speak up, to stand up, to show up. Playing small, staying safe offer you promises of safety and acceptance which simply are not true. The cost of betraying yourself by staying silent is a price paid by not only you, but the health of your relationships and those whoh count on your guidance and leadership.

Join me as I talk about how to realize more of the power of your being a woman and the person counted on by your relationships and your communities. Learn how what's unspoken keeps you from accepting yourself, others, and has helped to create the world we know is sorely in need of healing.

To learn more about JaiKaur and her support and guidance for women, go to her website and take her up on a free introductory session!