Many of the women I work with are tired of being unhappy or of feeling helpless to make their life or relationships better. And while we spend some time on family and their past for setting the stage, my clear directive to them is to take responsibility for their current choices and the power they now have. And yet, this can be challenging, for we live in a culture which often languages and even rewards people who claim they are the victim of others.

While I in no way am saying that there are not legit victims in our world, too often I witness smart and saavy women taking comfort in citing their past as to why they are unable to be happy or successful now. And while I understand taking a break from life's challeges, too often it's not a rest stop but a comfort with being a martyr in life or relationship I must help a women no longer claim.

Join me this week as I talk about how to realize if and where you are loving being a martyr instead of picking up your courage and making different choices. Learn how while you may receive support and even comfort from being a martyr, life will pass you by as you do so. And regret for a life not lived is a bitter pill to swallow.

For more on JaiKaur and her services go to her website "Grace Grit & Gratitude".