This week sees Traci collaborating with business strategist, growth expert and fellow podcaster, Gavin Preston of The Business Mastermind Podcast.


Gavin and Traci discuss visibility and how important it is in scaling and growing your business; the rights and wrongs, their personal definition of what it means to achieve visibility, the importance of authenticity, and much more…



Gavin feels that his malaise caused by the efforts of contemporaries to “stay visible” has affected the way he drives his own visibility. Traci believes this was caused not by what these people were saying, but how they were saying it.

Everything you do is a conversation. A speech on stage is a conversation between a speaker and the audience. A live video is a conversation between speakers and their subscribers. Alarm bells ring when the persona off-stage does not match the one on-stage.

Authenticity comes when we truly discern our business’s purpose, and are able to communicate that passionately and honestly.

When you can become an unapologetic version of yourself, it releases all pretensions and stress, and all that is left is the will and desire to serve.

Visibility is about being seen. But further than that, it is the act of becoming so seen, and so identified with your chosen niche, that you are perceived as an expert.

To increase visibility, Traci recommends Live Videos, pre-recorded videos, such as YouTube content, podcasting, public speaking, networking events. Ultimately, every opportunity should be taken to place yourself in front of people.

Increasing visibility is important, but it should never obstruct the ways in which you make your income. A strategy that may help is to create content back-to-back.

Work out what’s stopping you in terms of visibility. Work out the pain cycle. Recognise that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t portray reality.




‘Visibility is being seen in different areas’


‘Why would anyone want me?’


‘I was kind of a deranged newsreader’


‘When you are unapologetically you, it is so liberating’


‘Visibility means that you stand in the way of opportunity’


‘If you’re pedestal-ised, you’re unapproachable’


‘Comfortably uncomfortable’


‘Be prolific rather than perfect'




Women Rockin Business Podcast

Traci’s Website

The Business Mastermind Podcast -

Gavin Preston Website

Gavin Preston LinkedIn

Gavin Preston YouTube

Gavin Preston Facebook

Gavin Preston Twitter




Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and

high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years.

Gavin’s energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline

Managers. He is an expert in Business Growth Strategies, Peak Performance

Mindset, Persuasion & Engagement, Marketing, Productivity, Leadership

Development, Team Development & Motivation, Leading Change, Stakeholder

Management, Personal Effectiveness and Behavioural Change..




Traci Cornelius is a Speaker, Business Coach, Mindset Coach and mum to five Girls.

Like many, Traci’s story is not really a succinct one. It is long with many twists and turns (which is like business and life itself!). 

"Many of the twists and turns have helped me

to learn, to grow and to become a successful entrepreneur."

On a professional level, she runs many businesses. On a personal level, she is a Mum to five wonderful, adorable, courageous, independent and challenging girls.

“I discovered exactly where I had gone wrong in my previous businesses. Everything I had been through, the good the bad and the ugly started to come together into the best discovery of all the “5 Power Principles” 

I implemented them, first in my business and then in others and so they then became the “5 Power Principles” that other people wanted to know about!”

–Traci Cornelius

When it comes to starting and scaling your business, whilst juggling family responsibilities and taming your mind monkeys, Traci is your go-to-gal!








Official website:

See for privacy information.

This week sees Traci collaborating with business strategist, growth expert and fellow podcaster, Gavin Preston of The Business Mastermind Podcast.


Gavin and Traci discuss visibility and how important it is in scaling and growing your business; the rights and wrongs, their personal definition of what it means to achieve visibility, the importance of authenticity, and much more…




Gavin feels that his malaise caused by the efforts of contemporaries to “stay visible” has affected the way he drives his own visibility. Traci believes this was caused not by what these people were saying, but how they were saying it.


Everything you do is a conversation. A speech on stage is a conversation between a speaker and the audience. A live video is a conversation between speakers and their subscribers. Alarm bells ring when the persona off-stage does not match the one on-stage.


Authenticity comes when we truly discern our business’s purpose, and are able to communicate that passionately and honestly.


When you can become an unapologetic version of yourself, it releases all pretensions and stress, and all that is left is the will and desire to serve.


Visibility is about being seen. But further than that, it is the act of becoming so seen, and so identified with your chosen niche, that you are perceived as an expert.


To increase visibility, Traci recommends Live Videos, pre-recorded videos, such as YouTube content, podcasting, public speaking, networking events. Ultimately, every opportunity should be taken to place yourself in front of people.


Increasing visibility is important, but it should never obstruct the ways in which you make your income. A strategy that may help is to create content back-to-back.


Work out what’s stopping you in terms of visibility. Work out the pain cycle. Recognise that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t portray reality.




‘Visibility is being seen in different areas’


‘Why would anyone want me?’


‘I was kind of a deranged newsreader’


‘When you are unapologetically you, it is so liberating’


‘Visibility means that you stand in the way of opportunity’


‘If you’re pedestal-ised, you’re unapproachable’


‘Comfortably uncomfortable’


‘Be prolific rather than perfect'




Women Rockin Business Podcast

Traci’s Website

The Business Mastermind Podcast -

Gavin Preston Website

Gavin Preston LinkedIn

Gavin Preston YouTube

Gavin Preston Facebook

Gavin Preston Twitter




Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and

high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years.

Gavin’s energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline

Managers. He is an expert in Business Growth Strategies, Peak Performance

Mindset, Persuasion & Engagement, Marketing, Productivity, Leadership

Development, Team Development & Motivation, Leading Change, Stakeholder

Management, Personal Effectiveness and Behavioural Change..




Traci Cornelius is a Speaker, Business Coach, Mindset Coach and mum to five Girls.

Like many, Traci’s story is not really a succinct one. It is long with many twists and turns (which is like business and life itself!). 

"Many of the twists and turns have helped me

to learn, to grow and to become a successful entrepreneur."

On a professional level, she runs many businesses. On a personal level, she is a Mum to five wonderful, adorable, courageous, independent and challenging girls.

“I discovered exactly where I had gone wrong in my previous businesses. Everything I had been through, the good the bad and the ugly started to come together into the best discovery of all the “5 Power Principles” 

I implemented them, first in my business and then in others and so they then became the “5 Power Principles” that other people wanted to know about!”

–Traci Cornelius

When it comes to starting and scaling your business, whilst juggling family responsibilities and taming your mind monkeys, Traci is your go-to-gal!








Official website:

See for privacy information.


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