Traci business mentor and mindset coach is talking about business observation and the importance of this for any business wanting to maximise profit.

How can I make more money now? What am I leaving on the table? What isn’t resonating with people? Is my message getting across? Do I have continuity?

These are some of the questions Traci explores when she carries out a diagnostic review of a business. in this episode, she shares in detail how to review your business social media presence and what you must have in place to maximise your impact and profit.



Reviewing social media
Is there a continuity of message?
People need to be able to recognise what it is that you do and recognise you – your brand awareness.
Make sure you have continuity of message, are your images a representation of the message you want to share?
Contact details must be up to date and easy for people to get in touch
You will lose credibility if people can’t get in touch easily
The ‘about me’ page - people have come to your social media because they want something from you.
Have you got the solution to their problem?
If you have the product or service to solve their problem they will then want to find out about you – they want to see if they can trust you
This is when they want to find out about you and be taken on a journey. This is when they will want to find out more about you.



‘If there is a discord in your message people will not trust your message’

‘It’s all about the psychological response people have, how they feel about you’

‘If you are in an area of expertise where people have to be vulnerable they will want to trust you and if you have had similar experiences they will find this easier’



Women Rockin Business Podcast

Next Step Aim High Community Facebook




Traci Cornelius is a Speaker, Business Coach, Mindset Coach and Mum to 5 Girls.

Like many, Traci’s story is not really a succinct one. It is long with many twists and turns(which I liken to business and life itself!).  Many of the twists and turns have helped me to learn, to grow and to become a successful entrepreneur.

On a professional level, she runs many businesses.

On a personal level, she is a Mum to five wonderful, adorable, courageous, independent and challenging girls.


“I discovered exactly where I had gone wrong in my previous businesses.  Everything I had been through, the good the bad and the ugly started to come together into the best discovery of all the “5 Power Principles”

 I implemented them, first in my business and then in others and so they then became the “5 Power Principles” that other people wanted to know about!”

 –Traci Cornelius When it comes to starting and scaling your business, whilst juggling family responsibilities and taming your mind monkeys, Traci is your go-to-gal!







Official website:  


See for privacy information.

Traci business mentor and mindset coach is talking about business observation and the importance of this for any business wanting to maximise profit.

How can I make more money now? What am I leaving on the table? What isn’t resonating with people? Is my message getting across? Do I have continuity?

These are some of the questions Traci explores when she carries out a diagnostic review of a business. in this episode, she shares in detail how to review your business social media presence and what you must have in place to maximise your impact and profit.



Reviewing social media

Is there a continuity of message?
People need to be able to recognise what it is that you do and recognise you – your brand awareness.
Make sure you have continuity of message, are your images a representation of the message you want to share?
Contact details must be up to date and easy for people to get in touch
You will lose credibility if people can’t get in touch easily
The ‘about me’ page - people have come to your social media because they want something from you.
Have you got the solution to their problem?
If you have the product or service to solve their problem they will then want to find out about you – they want to see if they can trust you
This is when they want to find out about you and be taken on a journey. This is when they will want to find out more about you.



‘If there is a discord in your message people will not trust your message’

‘It’s all about the psychological response people have, how they feel about you’

‘If you are in an area of expertise where people have to be vulnerable they will want to trust you and if you have had similar experiences they will find this easier’



Women Rockin Business Podcast

Next Step Aim High Community Facebook




Traci Cornelius is a Speaker, Business Coach, Mindset Coach and Mum to 5 Girls.

Like many, Traci’s story is not really a succinct one. It is long with many twists and turns(which I liken to business and life itself!).  Many of the twists and turns have helped me to learn, to grow and to become a successful entrepreneur.

On a professional level, she runs many businesses.

On a personal level, she is a Mum to five wonderful, adorable, courageous, independent and challenging girls.


“I discovered exactly where I had gone wrong in my previous businesses.  Everything I had been through, the good the bad and the ugly started to come together into the best discovery of all the “5 Power Principles”

 I implemented them, first in my business and then in others and so they then became the “5 Power Principles” that other people wanted to know about!”

 –Traci Cornelius When it comes to starting and scaling your business, whilst juggling family responsibilities and taming your mind monkeys, Traci is your go-to-gal!







Official website:  


See for privacy information.