In this episode, Rebecca introduces herself and talks a bit about her journey from burnout to flourishing.  She talks about her passion for helping other women physicians change the culture of medicine by first liberating themselves from unhealthy patterns and conditioning.  She lays a foundation of concepts for proceeding through a curriculum for flourishing for women physicians which includes some surprising, yet evidence-based research findings that can be liberating and life-changing. 

You can find Dr. Lauderdale on instagram, or email her at [email protected]

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Resources and References:

Organizational Factors Affecting Physician Well-Being. Tawfik, D.S., Profit, J., Webber, S. et al.

Impact of Organizational Leadership on Physician Burnout and Satisfaction. Shanafelt, T., Gorringe, G., et al.

The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown

Brene Brown TED Talks 

Flourish by Martin Seligman

The Body Project by Joan Jacobs Brumberg

The Meaning of Human Existence by Edward O. Wilson

Immunity to change, by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey

Passive Income MD - Peter Kim

Dr Una’s EntreMD Podcast and Business School

Sunny Smith, MD - Empowering Women Physicians Podcast and coaching program

In the Sanctuary of Women by Jan Richardson

Music used with permission:

Intro “Death Dance” by Luftmensch

Outro “ Gold among the sand” by Trevor Kowalski

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