Laura Sullivan began her career in social work. But in 2015, she and her husband Tim made a complete life-pivot to launch Sullivan & Sullivan Photography, a wedding and small-business branding studio based in Seattle and Chicago. 

They're also the co-founders of Moveable Feast Retreats, intimate international adventures focusing on food, well-being, and whatever The Good Life looks like in any given country. When they aren't hopping on flights to projects or exploring new countries, they're at home in West Seattle cuddling their rescue pup and kitten and watching the Bachelor (ok that's maybe not Tim as much). Laura has never said no to a donut.

Laura and I talk entrepreneurship, food, love and relationships, coffee mugs as self-care, and being a recovering people pleaser. Laura also shares a few lessons learned from a recent cancer scare and how it helped her tune back into her body’s needs – even when others didn’t agree with her choices.