Today, Dr’s Caitlin and Mindy have such an important conversation that effects many people around the world.

How to eat healthy... all while staying within a budget. 

A question was recently asked “I understand you are recommending eating a healthier fats like in my peanut butter, but it costs $8 more and I already live paycheck to paycheck.  How can I possibly make these health changes when it’s just not within my means?”

Keeping in mind that healthy food does cost more (which is completely unjust and needs to change,) there are some definite ways you can make healthy swaps while still staying within your means.

One example is using the website: so that you can price compare fast-food restaurants to make better decisions.

A few suggestions from the doctors should you choose to eat at fast food restaurants:

Ditch the fries and pop : instead get a side salad and waterDitch the bun or bread : instead do it protein style (lettuce wrapped) or make it a salad

Listen to the full episode to get all of the money saving ways to eat healthier while not breaking your bank.

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