In this episode of Women N Wellness with Dr. Caitlin, the importance of having a healthy gallbladder and bile system for detoxification are discussed.

Learning points in this episode:

Which foods contain oxalates, histamines and lectins.Which bitter foods will help move bileHow Malik acids role in bile saltsWhat are the signs of sluggish bile 5 steps of detoxing

As a certified Toxicity and Detox Specialist with a background in functional nutrition and CEO of Vision Nation, Sinclair Kennally, believes that toxins are the root cause of many of our health epidemics today.

She's apprenticed with world leading functional medicine pioneers, and is also a family systems facilitator, Resonance Repatterining Practitioner & PK certified.

As a survivor of complex chronic illness who had to learn how to heal herself, she has turned that pain into her mission. She now helps top ranking pro athletes, NASA scientists, & best selling authors to free themselves from digestive issues and chronic illness to get back to who they truly are, as well as hundreds of change makers from all walks of life.

Make sure to subscribe to the podcast for future and past episodes and find us on Youtube at Women N Wellness with Dr. Caitlin.