Known as The Curvy Fit RN, Dr. K is joined in episode 14 with Trynette Lariba, RN, BSN who specializes in helping curvy women reclaim their love for their curvy bodies, heal from life’s trauma( yes being born with an adult figure and experiencing all that comes with that can be overwhelming) and gain discipline they need to succeed in fitness and life.
She teaches curvy women to accept the gift of their body and to be good stewards of their curvy health. Loving thy self must be in alignment with actions and behavior.
She doesn’t take shortcuts and firmly believes that curvy women can live their best lives without having to fit into society’s standards of what is deemed healthy solely based on weight in pounds.
We have all heard stories of people who lost hundreds of pounds, only to gain it all back.
In many cases, these people had an underlying problem (ex trauma, chronic stress etc) that could not be treated through exercise, surgery or diet alone. 
Without resolving the root cause of their weight gain, they could not maintain their results.
Although various physical, hormonal and genetic predispositions can account for weight gain…Holistic weight loss takes every aspect of your life into account – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social – to formulate a solution that works for the individual.
Many of us are driven by wanting to look good, to feel good and be more confident in our bodies. Let’s face it we are human❤️♥️🥰

But to stay motivated, we need to dig a little bit deeper beyond the body and reflect more on the deeper -#authentic- aspects of ourselves holistically.

Everyone has a reason to live a healthier, longer life.🥰😍🙏

The question 😀is though..WHO or WHAT motivates you to live a healthier, longer life?

This nitty gritty question is a powerful way to help you discover your WHY!👍👌✋

By answering this rather important question, we give POWER to our motivation and we can move forward within our most authentic nature in #mind, #body & #spirit
Books discussed in episode “Course in Weight Loss”: 21 spiritual lessons to help you surrender your weight forever by Marianne Williamson.
This book is not just about losing the weight in physical pounds based on societal standards but that of losing weight within our mind, negative emotions, past traumas, limiting beliefs, self perceptions, societal expectations, abusive relationships etc..
Book description from Amazon:
A Course in Weight Loss addresses the true causal root of your weight-loss issues: a place within you where you have forgotten your divine perfection. This forgetfulness has confused not only your mind but also your body, making you reach for that which cannot sustain you . . . and reject that which does. As your mind reclaims its spiritual intelligence, your body will reclaim its natural intelligence as well.

Affirmations mentioned: My unique body is body nurtures, heals and provides.
Quotes: "When you will find your reason to do it, you will feel that fire within you. The kind of motivation that makes you keep going while others give up."-Author unknown
"Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free" -Ekhart Tolle
